In the old part of town there are lots of police to make it completely safe. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
The old town... Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Along small booths where locals were selling various stuff, this sloths were hanging out. In my broken Spanish, I asked if it lived here and they pointed to the park in the background. And this was in the middle of the city. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Its fur was very rough. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
... and it had a rough time staying awake. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Local fisherman in a traditionel boat. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
When we came sailing in to Bahia de Cartagena, this container ship was passing us. The anchorage is right next to a very busy container habor. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Lady selling fruits to the tourists. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Balconies are everywhere in the old part of the city. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Scene from the city. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Old balconies. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Street with church tower in the background. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
Don't know if this is just a priest or Jesus, but fat he is... Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
As we came sailing back from some islands south of the city, there were a race going on. Kenneth Plesner is sitting and watching as the spinnakers were flying. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
More flying spinnakers and a part of the city called Boca Grande. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
On this little square people were feeding the piguins. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011
The sun is setting over the anchorage between the tall buildings at Boca Grande. Cartagena, Colombia, February 2011